Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Couple Arrested For Selling ‘Golden Tickets To Heaven’..Claim Jesus Gave Them

A couple ,Tito and Amanda Watts were arrested over the weekend for selling “golden tickets to heaven” to hundreds of people. The couple, who sold the tickets on the street for $99.99 per ticket, told buyers the ticketswere made from solid gold and each ticket reserved the buyer a spot in heaven simply present the ticket at the pearly gates and you’re in.
A Jacksonville police spokesman said
“People can sell tickets to heaven,”But the Watts misrepresented their product. The tickets were just wood spray painted gold with ‘Ticket To Heaven – Admit One’ written in marker. You can’t sell something as gold when it’s not. That’s where the Watts crossed the line into doing somethingillegal.”
Tito Watts said in his police statement:

I don’t care what the police say. The tickets are solid gold… it ain’t cut up two by fours I spray painted gold. And it was Jesus who give them to me behind the KFC and said to sell them so I could get me some money to go to outer space. I met an alien named Stevie who said if I got the cash together he’d take me and my wife on his flying saucer to his planet that’s made entirely of crack cocaine. You can smoke all the crack cocaine there you want… totally free. So, try to send aninnocent man to jail and see what happens. You should arrest Jesus because he’s the one that gave me the golden tickets and said to sell them. I’m willing to wear a wire and set Jesus up
Amanda Watts said in her police statement:
We just wanted to leave earth and go to space and smoke rock cocaine. I didn’t do nothing. Tito sold the golden tickets to heaven. I just watched
Police said they confiscated over $10,000 in cash, five crack pipes and a baby alligator.

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